Most people would not expect a Dasher employee to be six years old.
But new employee Andy Hart’s 6-year-old daughter has been a part of Dasher’s servant leadership culture. She joined the Dasher team to create cards for residents in nursing homes during the isolation of the COVID-19 pandemic.
He also has a three-year-old daughter who he looks forward to teaching about the importance of caring so that uplifting others can be an all-family endeavor.
Dasher always has a service project at the forefront. No matter how challenging our lives are, we never forget that others suffer in so much more painful and profound ways. That acknowledgment keeps everything in perspective.
When aiming to summarize the Dasher culture, Andy struggles for the perfect words: “It feels like love and family. It feels very safe and welcoming.”
Dasher has teammates from all walks of life and all ethnicities, ages, religions, and political persuasions.
I often say we don’t care if you have tattoos, piercings, or blue hair.
We care about your heart and that you care for others.
A team member may spend an extra hour doing a mailing or data entry or getting someone lunch as they work to complete a project.
This caring extends to our approach to clients. Our team is not looking to merely meet expectations but go to a higher level to meet their needs. That only happens when you have a good team that feels supported and appreciated.
The world is full of coffee lovers and tea drinkers. If you are a coffee enthusiast, it’s okay to say, “I love coffee.” It’s also OK to say, “I don’t prefer tea.” You can do so without condemning the tea drinkers of the world.
This approach is a metaphor for life and opposing beliefs. It helps to keep every Dasher meeting filled with positive messages.
Dale Carnegie often said that the sweetest sound in the world is the sound of someone’s name. We remember that all the time. We ask team members by name to do something; we don’t order them.
“Would you mind doing this?” is much nicer than “Do this.” Our words and days are filled with constant “thank you’s.”
These simple steps transcend individual differences in appearances and preferences to make every team member feel special and accepted.
Dasher is a data-driven, customer contact services operation with a focus on communicating complex messages to diverse populations. Specific capabilities include face-to-face communications provided by our field teams, customer engagement strategies provided by our call center and member engagement staff, and secure, complex, variable mailing services provided by our production team. Dasher is an experienced Minority, Women and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (MWDBE) with a bestselling book, “The Talent Pool,” and is certified by AICPA with the SOC2SM Type2 data certification and validation.