The Dasher Team defines "Caring and Respectful" in the following way:
Create a tone of friendliness and warmth: Every conversation, phone call, email, letter and voicemail sets the tone and creates a feeling. Pay attention to every interaction and be sure you are setting a tone of friendliness, warmth and helpfulness.
Practice the human touch:Listen for and pay attention to the things that make people unique. Treat each person in a way that makes them feel special. Show people you care about them as individuals rather than as transactions. Genuine compassion can’t be faked.
Be humble, kind and respectful: Take a kindness pledge: May all that I think, say or do be helpful to all and not hurt anyone. Never gossip. Look out for the welfare of others.
Listen generously: Listening is more than simply not speaking. Be present and engaged. Quiet the noise in your head and let go of the need to agree or disagree. Create space for others to express themselves without judgement. Listen with care and empathy. Above all, listen to understand.
Think safety first: Each of us is responsible for creating a safe, secure and accident-free environment for each other and guests. Be aware of fire and safety emergency procedures. Report security risks immediately to management.